Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Advertise with us:

If you are an entertainer/advertiser or you have a product you want to sell or promote and you want a cost effective means of advertising, Zoiks! Online now provides advertising at a low cost. You can be sure your ad will be seen by a unique audience which involves stand-up, music, television and movies and social commentary. With an Alexa ranking high in the United States and the world’s ranking not far behind, your ad will be seen by thousands of visitors per month.

Ad rates are as follows:

$300/month ($75/wk), 30,000/ad impressions/$2.50/CPM – Top banner advertising

$280/month ($70/wk), 29,000/ad impressions/$2.41/CPM – Sidebar advertising

$260/month ($65/wk), 28,000/ad impressions/$2.32/CPM – Footer banner advertising

Visit Ad Brite for more information and how to advertise. Compare CPM’s with other sites.

If you don't want to go through AdBrite but would still like to place an ad, please contact me directly.

Also, if you want to do a link exchange, please contact me and we can work something out.


Jason Tanamor
jason @


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