Thursday, October 22, 2009

“Chris Brown could smack Oprah around too.”

By Jason Tanamor

OK, OK, OK, I have to say something about this.

In an article at, titled “Chris Brown Unhappy With Oprah, Has 'No Issues' With Jay-Z,” Chris Brown is apparently unhappy with, you guessed it, hell, you read it, Oprah.

In the article, Brown said, “I don't dis her because I respect what she does for women around the world. But we did so many things together as far as me working for her schools in Africa, that I feel at the time I needed a helping hand, not for my career but as a person, instead of her pointing fingers."

Brown went on to say about Jay-Z, “I have no issues with dude. Honestly, I don't know and I don't think it was him.”

He went on to praise people like Will Smith and Puff Daddy or P. Diddy, not to be confused with John Cougar Mellencamp’s song “Jack & Diane,” which was referred to as a little ditty. "As a young man I needed older black role models to mold me. I didn't need people bashing me or shutting the door on me," he said in the Billboard article. Brown is not saying anything negative about these guys because they can fight back. Or shoot back in some cases.

Luckily he didn’t have OJ Simpson or Ike Turner mold him. Wait... that’s how Brown got in this mess to begin with. It’s no wonder he is unhappy with Oprah. She’s a black woman, who, according to the above statement by Brown himself, does a lot for women around the world. Of course, Brown could always smack her around too.



Jason Tanamor is the Editor of Zoiks! Online. He is also the author of the novels, "Hello Lesbian!" and "Anonymous." Email Jason at


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